If you can dream it, you can make it happen.

Does your dream life include freedom, satisfaction, and financial abundance? You being exactly who you are, making money by living your passion, meeting people alike and inspiring those around you?

Let me guess... You've seen so many others on Instagram nailing it and it seems like everyone else has figured it out. You know, being confident, showing on social media, and actually selling. Pssst...even if they're not as good as you are.

And you want a life like that for yourself. I feel you. A life on your own terms, the one that will make you fulfilled and happy. You want to do your thing and make a living. You know you can make it happen, and you want to show that it is possible to follow the beats of your own heart, to listen to your own inner voice and make a good living.

You want to LIVE your passion.

...without being overwhelmed, underpaid, frustrated, and barely making it financially...

Well, you've come to the right place.

Are you ready to be the change?

You believe in dreams. You believe anything is possible, and you know there is a way for you to make your dreams come true. You know there is a way for you to have a life you desire and deserve. Maybe you're afraid to say it out loud, but you feel it deep inside.

You have a passion, and you have ideas, so many of them. And sometimes you're afraid that your ideas and your truth would be too much for others.

You have a desire to change the world, your world, but there is SO much of it, and you don't even know where to start.

You have a spark inside that is eager to become a fire. One that can light up the path for others.

I know this, because you and I, we are alike.

I have been there, too

Once upon a time, I had a small business. Bread, pastry and sweet spreads. Homemade and delivered on a motorbike. Miller's daughter, that was my name. Even though it was really something and looked beautifully on the outside, I was barely covering my expenses. I would pray for orders to slide in my inbox, and I would pray for people to come by on the little market on weekends. Business build on prayers? It didn't work for me. 

I had ideas, but didn't know how to bring them to life. 

I wanted to grow, but lacked resources. 

I wanted for people to know about me, but I was afraid to talk to them. 

I wanted to do collaborations, but didn't feel competent enough.

I was doing business, but I didn't want to call my thing a business. It was coming from my heart, and I wasn't doing it for the money. But I wanted to earn money.

I didn't know what to call myself, I didn't know my worth, I didn't know how to promote and sell my products, I didn't know how to present myself with confidence. Because I didn't have any.

I was (literally) hoping someone will notice my beautifully packed products, they will see into my heart, and they will sense my creative soul and... magic will happen.

Apparently, that never happened.

Magic happens only when you roll up your sleeves and put dedicated intention into your action.

What if I told you that I figured it out?

I have found a way to bring my photography business to a whole new level.

To become recognised and respected.

To have clients reaching out to me, instead of looking out for them.

To have people know, like and trust me.

To position myself as an authority within my niche and within my reach.

To be interviewed for magazines.

I have found a way to grow my confidence, know my worth and cheer my uniqueness.

I have found a way to have multiple income streams and to work exactly how I want, what I want and with who I want.

And all that while being multi-passioned, an introvert, without a large social media following, with zero entrepreneurial education or knowledge from the past.

In fact, for most of my life I hated marketing and everything business related.

Some sort of an alternative-hippie-rebel-artist kind a gal.

And I'm here to show you how you can make a living by follownig your passion.

And you can make it happen, too

Are you ready...

…to take the responsibility for your life, and to manifest a change by being the change?

Are you ready to cut the excuses that are holding you back?

Are you ready to leave old parts of yourself that are keeping you stuck behind and move forward with aligned action?

Ready to change your beliefs to better suit your new life?

Are you ready to take the steps towards a life you have been dreaming of?

Ready to learn, try, fail, repeat and feel good about it? Without fear of judgment, other people's opinions or your outdated thoughts, feelings, and beliefs?

If you believe it, you can make it.

About Thriving Creator

The Thriving Creator is a self paced 3 module program for heart-led creatives, artists and small business owners that are ready to take their passion to the next level.

I created this program to help you overcome the 3 main struggles that we all come across when following our passion:

  • lack of confidence
  • zero or basic business skills
  • fear of showing up as a face behind your work

The Thriving Creator is the exact system that took me only years to build - to finally become a thriving creative, with a successful business helping and serving many other creatives and small business oweners to go for their dreams.

Now, I know my worth, and I know it is not defined by anything outside of me. I live and I create in alignment with who I am and what I stand for in life. I do not compromise my wellbeing to make my business successful. Business is only one part of my life and I take time for my emotional, spiritual, mental and physical growth and health. I am not powered by success or achievement. I am powered by using my potentials, my skills, knowledge, expertise, experience, and many passions to make a change in my world, in our world. I am aware that my actions create reactions and ripples, and I choose the good ones to live with in this lifetime.

I figured out what it means to own, run and grow your business. I allow myself to dream big, and not to be afraid or ashamed of it. I learned how to set tangible goals, how to reach them, and how to create a strategy - the path that will lead me towards. I am aware that I already live in abundance that is infinite and available to anyone, only if you learn how to see. I learned that goals, strategies and tactics can and should change; it doesn't affect my authenticity. I now know that growing a business is like growing a child. It should be done with love, kindness, joy, and patience. It is a long-term walk, not a short run. I learned that money is not the goal; it's a byproduct.

I learned that I am the one who chooses how to stand as a face, heart, soul and personality behind my work. I now know that marketing is not about Facebook ads, but about making a change happen. I learned how to develop a visually recognisable brand and how to be consistent with my appearance. I now know that I am allowed to play, and not take things seriously and personally. I learned that I am unique just the way I am, and that I was never meant to fit in. I learned how to envision the future of my work, how to attract clients that I want to work with, and how to repel those who don't understand the value I give.

And now is the time to pass on what I have learned.

Now it's your turn.

Don't take my word for it.

Here's what my clients say about me

I met Marina when I decided to redesign my website. Through social media I was familiar with her work from before, and I knew from the very beginning that her eye will see what my heart wants to tell. 

Moments spent with her, shooting on several locations, were infused with ease, creative flow and relaxation at the same time, knowing she holds the strings of the whole process. She effortlessly guides you to find the story within yourself, capturing a testament of that unique moment that will later on connect you with those who resonate with you most - your audience. 

Ana Tabain, Yoga instructor, Ayurveda and Yoga therapist and a lecturer at the College of Ayurveda, UK

Working with Marina was an absolute pleasure, from day one. Marina really listens to you as a client, always trying to get to the very essence of your brand and message. We had a feeling of subtle guidance and mutual understanding of what we wanted to achieve.

Her photographs have a particular sensibility, something that's very unique to her work, unlike any other photographer we worked with. While being very spiritual, she also thinks practically, giving you photographs that are all usable for your promotion purposes.

Lena Puhar O'Grady, Brist EVOO

It's not just about starting a business

It's about starting a lifesyle and becoming the change.

Start a movement, and live your passion.

Make money doing what you want and what you love.

Let me introducte myself

My name is Marina Ćosić, and I'm a brand & lifestyle photographer, artist and a business owner. I am dedicated to helping small business owners, personal brands, artists and creatives to start & grow their businesses and create lives they love.

These past years have brought a great amount of knowledge, experience and personal insights regarding to creativity, branding & business as well as personal growth and I'm sharing all about it on my blog.

A computer science engineer by degree, a soulful creative by heart, a photographer by choice, and a lighthouse for anyone in need of guidance, I am here to help you bridge your beautiful and creative inner world to the outside.

Besides my own business experience, working with clients, product and service launches, I have grown up watching my father being an entrepreneur, as well as my husband who has had his own company for more than 2 decades. This has brought a great value to better understanding not only the business itself, but becoming aware of my own needs, values and beliefs.

Everything aside, I want to help you make a living by doing what makes your heart sing. Because, this is what the world needs.

Features & interviews

More words from my clients...

I’ve been thinking for a long time about how I should open up to the outside and show everything I do. Instagram seemed to me like the perfect base for my own portfolio. The only problem was that I didn’t have photos that I was happy with and that would truly show me in my entire palette of what I am. That changed when I met Marina who managed to capture really my entire being through her work. During our work together Marina dedicated herself completely to me, so that as an artist she could see me, my soul, my desires and record it with a camera.

Indira Juratek, CEO & Editor in chief at Budi dobro, online magazine for holistic living

During the fotoshooting, Marina did not just look at me with her eyes and listened to my wishes with her ears, but she also felt my heart with her heart. In this way the pictures she took do not just show who I am outside, but they also reflect who I am inside. This magic, that is crucial for any kind of collaboration and that is very hard to achieve proves Marinas skill not only as a professional photographer, but also as a human being who is able to convey the entire truth.

Monika Blaguš, linguist

Following your passion & doing what you love - that is your purpose.

Here is what you'll get with

The Thriving Creator

  • A self paced 3 modules digital course
  • Textual lessons
  • Worksheets within every module to help you get clarity and guidance on your journey
  • Bonus Module - Instagram 101 - everything you need to know about marketing your business on the platform
  • 3 live group zoom meetings during the three weeks after the launch where I will be answering your questions
  • 3 weeks email correspondence with me where we will discuss your particular situation
  • Lifetime access to the course as it continues to grow while new content is added

+ everything I have learned in the past 10 years as a photographer and a small business owner regarding Confidence, Business, Branding + Strategy, and Showing up as a powerhouse behind your work

I'm bringing it all in.

Business is not a word you should be afraid of.

It is a skill you can master.

I see The Thriving Creator as my signature program. It is not a quick fix solution for fast money making (not for me and not for you), but rather a tool I use to teach you how to create your own road map, how to pave your own path and become a fulfilled creator, an artist with a twist, a business owner with heart&soul.

Since this is my first launch ever, I am giving you the opportunity to join at a lowest price that is possible and that will ever be possible.

TTC will continue to grow with my students helping me curate the highest quality possible content with their feedback.

By joining now you don't only support my work and efforts, but you help build something truly unique and exquisite.

I truly believe that we need as many people as possible being honest, authentic, genuine, growing and expanding to make this world a better place.

Are you ready to live a life you were meant to live?

This course is closed for enrollment.

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